You want the community you do business in to be a better place because you are here. You want your employees to feel good about the company they work for. And, you know that a strong community promotes good business.
That's why each year more than 200 companies help change lives in our community by supporting United Way of Pueblo County. Why do they support United Way? Because no other organization has the ability to impact such a broad range of needs in such an efficient manner. For more than 99 years, United Way has worked with the business community to identify pressing community needs and support the agencies and programs that meet those needs.
Running a United Way campaign is the best way to support our community. We have the experience to help you make the best investment with your corporate dollars, and can work with you to develop an employee campaign that is in line with the values of your organization and your employees.
Interested in being a hero in our community? We can help.
Contact Mario at 719-225-8580, Ext. 107 or give@pueblounitedway.org today to get started!