Luanne Maez

Economic Mobility and Opportunity Manager
719.225.8580 Ext. 414
Meet Luanne!!

I am Luanne Maez.  I believe everything happens for a reason.  My  background in Finance, Behavior Health, and Quality Improvement,  has led me to the United Way where I am able to combine my skills and love for financially helping people.  Eight years ago my first love came back into my life and became my last love.  We were married five years ago, and had the privilage of working with a genius named Chris Segura to have the best wedding ever!  We combined our beautiful family, became new parents to two cats, and have watched our family grow.  I love to travel, and will talk about traveling and cruises with anyone, anywhere, anytime.....some of you have already experienced this. LOL.  I am happy and blessed to be a part of the United Way Family and am excited for what the future holds.

Some fun facts about Luanne are:

  • I am allergic to peppermint—but I still eat it.
  • I collect casino chips
  • I made a monkey climb the Empire State Bldg
  • I love to Travel
  • I love useless trivia
  • I am ​highly competitive, I try to hide it well
  • The books I want to read out number the days I  have left on Earth
  • I think Escargot are delicious
  • I was snowed in an airport for 3 days pre-smartphones 
  • I am a Scorpio

Luanne's answers to some fun questions:

I do have a superpower, I am the only one who can see behind objects, like the milk in the fridge.  If I could pick a superpower it would be the ability to clone myself so I can work, spend time with family, clean, and vacation all at once.

If you entered a talent show I'd rap the 2 sections in Cool it Now by New Edition perfectly.   I cannot remember why I entered a room sometimes but that I can recite perfectly.  No I will not perform it on demand.  (For those that don't know who New Edition is, they were  equivalent to Backstreet Boys or the 2010's One Direction in the 1980's, for those of you who know who they are, there is a sale on reading glasses on Amazon right now.)

The most inspiring thing about my job is the ability to help people and make a difference in their lives.