Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program-Department of Local Affairs


Grantee Portal Button

Colorado’s First Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant Program 


  • Community Shares of Colorado
  • Salida Circus Outreach Foundation
  • The Alliance
  • Achieve, Inc.
  • Southeastern Colorado Heritage Center DBA Pueblo Heritage Museum
  • Chaffee County Community Foundation
  • Friendly Harbor Community Center
  • Boys & Girls Club of Chaffee County
  • Southern Colorado Theatre Company dba Steel City Theatre Company
  • Chaffee County Community Foundation
  • Chaffee Housing Trust (CHT)
  • elevateHER
  • Posada
  • Pueblo Child Advocacy Center
  • Museum of Friends
  • Southern Colorado Harm Reduction Association (SCHRA)
  • Southern Colorado Spay and Neuter Association and No-Kill Shelter 
  • Guidestone
  • Chaffee County Early Childhood Council 
  • Bessemer Historical Society, Inc. dba Steelworks Center of the West
  • Pueblo Rape Crisis Services, Inc.
  • La Veta Village, Inc.
  • Pueblo Cooperative Care Center
  • Pueblo Hispanic Education Foundation
  • Kindred Kids Child Advocacy Center
  • Southeastern Colorado Area Health Education Center for Rural CO Health Inc
  • The Salvation Army, Pueblo Corps
  • Nature and Wildlife Discovery Center
  • Wet Mountain Valley Community Foundation, Inc.
  • The Abundant Life Pregnancy & Family Resource Center
  • Spanish Peaks Community Foundation dba Fox Theatre



Attention! - Application Period Closed

The application period for the Nonprofit Infrastructure (NPI) Grant Program closed on August 31, 2023. Thank you to all the organizations that applied to us for funding. Applications are being reviewed and, once a decision has been made, we will be in touch.

If you have any questions about the NPI program or other grant opportunities, please contact us.


United Way of Pueblo County is collaborating with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) to select and administer the Nonprofit Infrastructure Grant in Chaffee, Custer, Fremont, Huerfano, and Pueblo Counties.

The Nonprofit Infrastructure (NPI) Grant has been created for smaller nonprofits, with annual budgets between $150,000 and $2,000,000, that can show they have been impacted or disproportionately impacted by COVID-19

Applying organizations or groups must have a track record of providing effective, culturally appropriate, and relevant programs and services to their communities who have historically been underrepresented, underserved, or under-resourced in Colorado. 

Included Communities

  • LGBT 
  • BIPOC 
  • Women 
  • Gender non-conforming 
  • Disability/neurodiversity
  • Low-Income
  • Immigrant/Refugee
  • Rural

The governing bodies and staff of these organizations must consist of a majority of residents who live in the communities they serve, have a history of providing services in specific communities in the state, and have their main offices in one of the communities that they serve. 



Eligibility Requirements

The following organizations are eligible to apply for the NPI Grant:

  • Nonprofit Organization: A small community-based charitable or social welfare organization impacted or disproportionately by the Covid-19 public health emergency.
  • Fiscal Agent: A tax-exempt charitable organization or social welfare organization operating under a 501(c)(3) that has an arrangement with a small community-based nonprofit organization (NPO) that may or may not have its own tax-exempt status.
  • Fiscal Sponsor: A tax-exempt charitable or social welfare group operating under a 501(c)(3) that has an arrangement with small community-based groups (SCBG) that are not registered NPOs.

Not sure which to apply as? Follow this chart to find out if your organization is eligible

¿No está seguro de cuál aplicar? Siga este cuadro para averiguar si su organización es elegible.

Applying organizations must also demonstrate that their services meet community-identified needs, including:

  • Health Equity
  • Workforce Development
  • Community Economic Development
  • Early Childhood Care
  • Education Support
  • Housing
  • Food Justice
  • Other community identified need



Using Grant Funds

The NPI Grant Program will provide funding for infrastructure improvements that are intended to positively impact an organization’s operational structure. 

Grant funds may be used for:

  • Strategic planning and organizational development
  • Professional development for staff and board
  • Data technology, data collection and/or technology infrastructure
  • Marketing and communications
  • Existing program expansion, development or evaluation

Grant funds cannot be used for:

  • Programming
  • Capital improvements
  • Real estate or land acquisition
  • Building construction, renovation or improvement
  • Payment of debt
  • Advocacy or lobbying
  • Organizing
  • Endowments or reserves 


How to Apply 

The application is open July 5, 2023 through August 31, 2023. Interested nonprofit organizations may apply for the NPI Grant through United Way of Pueblo County's online grant portal. For technical assistance with the application, please contact

Sample Application 
These sample applications are for informational purposes only. They are not to be submitted. 
Nonprofit Organization Sample Application / Organización Sin Fines de Lucro Aplicación de Muestra
Fiscal Agent Sample Application / Solicitud de Agente Fiscal Aplicación de Muestra
Fiscal Sponsor Sample Application / Solicitud de Patrocinador Fiscal
Aplicación de Muestra

Scoring Rubrics:
Nonprofit Organization Scoring Rubric / Rúbrica de Puntuación de las Solicitudes de las OSAL
Fiscal Agent Scoring Rubric / Rúbrica de Puntuación de la Solicitud del Agente Fiscal
Fiscal Sponsor Scoring Rubric / Rúbrica de Puntuación de la Solicitud del Patrocinador Fiscal



Application Resources

Informational Webinar Recording

NPI Informational Powerpoint


Learn more about the NPI program


We are here to support you with technical assistance throughout the application process. Please review the FAQs (English) to learn more/ FAQs (Español); or contact our NPI Grant Liaison at or 719-225-8580. 



Program Timeline

July 5, 2023-August 31, 2023 

  • Application open

November 1, 2023 

  • Final award recommendation completed by RAPs and ready for review

December 15, 2023 - January 15, 2024

  • Provide notice to award to NPO, Execute Contracts, Issue first payment

December 30, 2024

  • NPO Awards Deadline

December 30, 2026

  • All funds must be spent



Learn more about this partnership with the Colorado Department of Local Affairs 

The Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is collaborating with United Way of Pueblo County and seven other organizations across the state to help select and administer the NPI Grant. For more information about this Program and to find a geographically-appointed Regional Access Partner (RAP), visit